Dirichlet Process Mixture Models


Introduction to Mixtures Models

Data is often a heterogeneous mix of different types of groups. In such scenarios, we need variable(s) to identify the group or category to which the data point belongs. Finite mixture models are a popular choice to model data with known/unknown group structures. If the group structure is known, we have a classification problem while an unknown group structure points to a clustering problem. Generally, finite mixtures model data to be coming from a known/unknown number of parametric densities. This modeling assumption makes finite mixture models an intuitive choice for density estimation as well. For instance, skewed or heavy-tailed histograms might be better approximated using finite mixtures than symmetric distributions like the normal distribution.

Karl Pearson, in 1894, was among the first to employ finite mixture models to analyze crab data provided by the evolutionary biologist Weldon. The crab data consisted of measurements of the forehead to body length of a thousand crabs sampled from the Bay of Naples. Each of these measurements falls into one of 29 interval categories. This dataset is saved as the dataframe pearson in the R Package mixdist. Look at the link1 to learn more about the data analysis. Pearson assumed that forehead-to-body length ratios are sampled from a mixture of two normal densities with different means and variances. Pearson used the method of moments to estimate the mean and variance parameters. This involved solving a ninth-degree polynomial by hand. Clearly, due to a lack of computational power, finite mixture models weren’t studied as much until the advent of computers. The advent of computers and a better understanding of the properties of the maximum likelihood function in the case of normal components led to an eventual increase in the use of mixture models. However, it was the paper introducing the EM algorithm (1977) that greatly stimulated interest in using finite mixtures to model heterogeneous data.2

Mixture Model formulation

If we model the data $\mathbf{Y} \in \mathbb{R}^n$ is drawn from a mixture distribution containing $G$ parametric component densities $f(\cdot ; \theta_i)$ with proportions $\pi_i$, then

\[\mathbf{Y} \sim \sum_{i=1}^G \pi_i f(\mathbf{y}; \theta_i) \quad \text{ where } \quad \sum_{j=1}^G \pi_j = 1 \quad \theta_i \in \Theta \forall \text{ } i \in \lbrace 1, \cdots, G \rbrace \text{ and } G \in \mathbb{N} \cup \lbrace \infty \rbrace \quad \quad ---(1)\]

Notice that in definition (1), we let $G \in \mathbb{N} \cup \lbrace \infty \rbrace$ i.e. we can use a finite or countably infinite number of components in the mixture model. Equivalently, mixture models can be interpreted as the expectation with respect to a mixing measure $H$. Define $H$ to be a measure with finite or countable support that places weight $\pi_j$ at position $\theta_j$. A point mass at $\theta \in \Theta$ is denoted using the indicator function $\mathbb{1}_{\theta}$. Note that (1) and (2) are equivalent representations of a mixture model.

\[\mathbf{Y} \sim \int_{\Theta} f(\text{ }\cdot \text{ } ; \theta ) H(\mathrm{d}\theta) \quad \text{ where } \quad H = \sum_{i=1}^G \pi_i \mathbb{1}_{\theta_i} \quad \quad ---(2)\]

Notice that models (1) and (2) assume that all components belong to the same family of a parametric distribution. This is a commonly used assumption for mixture models. However, one can generalize model (1) by letting the $i$-th component come from density $f_i$ with parameter $\theta_i$. This gives a generalization of the model (1) which no longer has the expectation interpretation.3

There are two common interpretations of mixture models with at most countably many components. According to Chapter 1 of “Handbook of Mixture Analysis”, one of the interpretations is more probabilistic while the other is more analytic. In either case, the model stays the same:

\[Y_i | Z_i = z_i \sim f(\text{ } \cdot \text{ }| \theta_{z_i} ) \quad \text{ where } \quad Z_i \sim \sum_{j=1}^G \pi_j \mathbb{1}_{j} \quad \quad ---(3)\]
  • Probabilistic interpretation: We assume that the population is truly heterogeneous and the $G$ components correspond to $G$ distinct sub-populations of interest that are present in populations $(\pi_1, \pi_2, \cdots, \pi_G)^T$. A random draw from the distribution is a draw from the $i$-th component with probability $\pi_i$. Depending on whether $G$ is known or unknown, we have a classification or clustering problem.
  • Analytic interpretation: Check

Note that model (3) involves the latent variable (or allocation variable) $Z_i$ since it is unobserved. Now, given a mixture model of the type (3), there are two common ways of inferring unknown parameters $G$ (if it is unknown), $\mathbf{\theta} = (\theta_1, \cdots, \theta_G)^T,$ and $\mathbf{\pi} = (\pi_1, \cdots, \pi_G)$ - Frequentist approach vs Bayesian approach.

Frequentist Bayesian parameteric Bayesian non-parametric
$\mathbf{Y} \sim \sum_{i=1}^G \pi_i f(\mathbf{y}; \theta_{z_i})$
where $\mathbf{\theta}, \mathbf{pi}$ and $G$ are assumed fixed but unknown
$\mathbf{Y} \mid Z_i = z_i \sim f(\mathbf{y}; \theta_i)$
$Z_i \mid \mathbf{\pi} \sim Multinom(\mathbf{\pi})$
$\mathbf{\pi} \sim Dir(\alpha_0)$ for known $\alpha_0$
$\mathbf{Y} \mid H \sim \int_{\Theta} f(\text{ }\cdot \text{ } ; \theta ) H(\mathrm{d}\theta)$
$H \sim \mathcal{F}$ where $\mathcal{F}$ is a well-defined distribution over probability measures.
Mixing measure $H$ is deterministic and unknown Mixing measure $H$ is a known parametric density with random parameters Mixing measure $H$ is an uknown non-parametric density.
EM algorithm is used to perform maximum likelihood estimation Use MCMC methods for posterior inference Use MCMC methods for posterior inference

Motivation behind $K \longrightarrow \infty$

Let us first consider the scenario of “large” $K$ in comparison to $N$. For instance set $K = 1000$

include two demos:

  1. demo1: How alpha changes the probability of belonging to given cluster
  2. demo2: plot of number of components filled vs number of data points

Moreover, finite mixture models have theoretical guarantees to justify their usefulness. One of the most recently proven theoretical guarantees I found is by Nguyen et al4. The main theorem Nguyen et al proved is given below. Refer to Theorem 2.1 in the article4 for rigorous mathematical details.


Let $f$ and $g$ be continuous probability densities on $\mathbb{R}^n$ i.e. $f,g: \mathbb{R}^n \longrightarrow \mathbb{R}$. Define the set of $m$-component location-scale finite mixture of the PDF $g$ as follows:

\[\mathcal{M}^g_m = \left \lbrace h^g_m \quad : \quad h^g_m(x) := \sum_{i=1}^m c_i \frac{1}{\sigma_i^n} g\left(\frac{x - \mu_i}{\sigma_i}\right) \text{ such that } \mu_i \in \mathbb{R}^n, \sigma_i > 0 \forall i \text{ and } \sum_{j=1}^m c_i = 1 \right \rbrace\]

Further, let $\mathcal{M}^g := \bigcup_{m \in \mathbb{N}} \mathcal{M}^g_m$. Then the following statements are true:

  1. Let $\mathbb{K} \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ be a compact set. Then there exists a sequence of functions $\left \lbrace h_{m}^g \right \rbrace_{m \in \mathbb{N}}$ such that $h_{m}^g \in \mathcal{M}^g$ for each $g \in \mathbb{N}$ and
\[\lim_{m\to\infty} \parallel f - h_m^{g} \parallel_{\mathcal{B}(\mathbb{K})} = 0 \text{ where } \parallel f \parallel_{\mathcal{B}(\mathbb{K})} := sup_{x \in \mathbb{K}} |f(x)| \text{ for bounded function } f:\mathbb{K} \longrightarrow \mathbb{R}\]
  1. For $p>1$, if $f \in \mathcal{L_p} \text{ and } g \in \mathcal{L_{\infty}}$, then there exists a sequence of functions $\left \lbrace h_{m}^g \right \rbrace_{m \in \mathbb{N}}$ such that $h_{m}^g \in \mathcal{M}^g$ for each $g \in \mathbb{N}$ and
\[\lim_{m\to\infty} \parallel f - h_m^{g} \parallel_{\mathcal{L_p}} = 0 \text{ where } \parallel f \parallel_{\mathcal{L_p}} := \left( \int_{\mathbb{X}} | f|^p \mathrm{d} \lambda \right )^{\frac{1}{p}} \text{ for Lebesgue measure } \lambda \text{ on } \mathbb{R}^n\]

Therefore, a mixture model can arbitrarily approximate complex densities by choosing the right component distributions. This theorem (and similar results proven earlier) can be seen as the motivation behind why it makes sense to look at mixture models with $G \longrightarrow \infty$. Setting the number of components to infinity solves another problem associated with mixture models. Let us say that we are working with a $G$-component finite mixture model. Then, if we have data that is “large enough”, the finite mixture model will eventually fit all data into the $G$ components.

Some Mixture Model variations

So far, we looked at mixture models with at most countably many components. However, this definition can be generalized further by allowing the mixing measure to be discrete or continuous. So far, we let $H$ represent a discrete probability measure. Assume for instance that $H$ represents Beta CDF with parameters $\theta = (\alpha, \beta)^T$

\[Y | H = h \sim Binom(N, h) \quad \text{ and } \quad H \sim Beta(\alpha, \beta) \quad \implies \quad f(h|Y=y) \propto \int_{p \in [0,1]} h^y (1-h)^{N-y} H(\mathrm{d}h)\]

This is an example of a continuous mixture where we “mix” the binomial density w.r.t. beta distribution. Notice that this is nothing but Beta-Binomial conjugacy. Like the Beta-Binomial example, the conjugacy examples we often see in introductory Bayesian statistics are all examples of continuous mixtures. Most examples we see are exponential family models “mixed” by their conjugate priors.3 Some mixture model generalizations or variations not discussed here are mixture of experts models, finite mixtures with non-parametric components, hidden Markov models, and spatial mixtures. Refer to “Handbook of Mixture Analysis”3 to learn about these mixture model variations.

Bayesian non-parametric mixtures

Points to include

  1. Bayesian vs frequentist mixtures (H random vs deterministic with unknown params)
  2. Dirichlet distribution also has two interpretations (just like mixture models)
  3. Dirichlet distribution to Dirichlet process
  4. Components vs clusters
  5. At what rate do clusters grow wrt sample size?
  6. Bayesian mixture model inference is of two types - within and across model sampling. Reversible jump MCMC is an example of across model sampling.
  7. Mention primary reference 5


  1. Karl Pearson and the crabs from Naples bay, Francesco Pasqualini 

  2. McLachlan, G., and Peel, D. (2000), “Finite Mixture Models,” Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics, Wiley. DOI: 10.1002/0471721182 

  3. Frühwirth-Schnatter, S., Celeux, G., and Robert, C. P. (eds.) (2019), Handbook of Mixture Analysis, Chapman and Hall/CRC. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1201/9780429055911.  2 3

  4. Nguyen, T., Chamroukhi, F., Nguyen, H. D., and McLachlan, G. J. (2022), “Approximation of probability density functions via location-scale finite mixtures in Lebesgue spaces,” Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, Informa UK Limited. DOI: 10.1080/03610926.2021.2002360.  2

  5. Nonparametric Bayes Tutorial offered by Tamara Broderick, Machine Learning Summer School (MLSS), 2006